How the deinstitutionalization policy has affected inpatient psychiatric care

Post a brief explanation of how the deinstitutionalization policy has affected inpatient psychiatric care.
Deinstitutionalization policy was a shift in the style of mental health treatment in the mid-1950 and early 1960.
The transition was shifted from state-funded mental asylums that the individuals were hospitalized living in the
institution, and providing certain services. However, the patients from that facility were receiving harsh
treatment, such as removing body parts, electroconvulsive therapy, and hydrotherapy (Flory &Friedrich, 1999).
In the mid-1960s, the treatment for mental health had made a shift to federal government-funded community
health centers to treat mental health. “”The deinstitutionalization of mentally ill persons has three components:
the release of these individuals from hospitals into the community, their diversion from hospital admission, and
the development of alternative community services ” “(Lamb & Bachrach, 2001). The policy is also how outpatient mental health treatments were introduced.
How the policy affects the roles of psychiatric social workers in providing care for patients with mental illness

There was an increase in demand for psychiatric social workers after the deinstitutionalization policy. Previous
in the mental asylum, the facility focused healthy on nurses and doctors to treat the client. Post
deinstitutionalization policy allows social workers to have numerous roles and responsibilities to address the
needs of the targeted population. Social workers are responsible for completing a holistic assessment to gain
knowledge about the client’s condition, assisting with the treatment plan. Based on the social worker’s
assessment, they also can recommend hospitalization. Social workers also assist the client in having the best
treatment plan for them with the least amount of harm. An example, clients may receive care in the emergency
room due to them discontinuing their medication. The social worker must assess the client, receive knowledge
of why they continuously discontinue their medication. The social worker must be knowledgeable about the
resources available within the community.
Challenges and issues caregivers face when caring for individuals with mental illness
There are many challenges for caregivers. An example, as the class discussed last week, many caregivers are
informal and do not have the training for the diagnoses. Since the deinstitutionalization released individuals
from the institution, many individuals receive care at home by their caregivers. There are additional stressors
that could burden the family, and the family could become frustrated and time-consuming, taking care of the
needs of the client. According to Hudson 2016, even though the federal government had eliminated the
institutions and created community mental health centers, they have not addressed funding for caregivers
especially if an individual does not have the proper insurance to cover some of the cost for mental health.
Three resources to support patients with mental illness and caregivers
Alliance Health.
The agency, a community mental health care coordinator, trains caregivers in mental health first aid. The
services also include emergency units that would come to families’ homes. The agency does believe in
collaboration with local resources to give the client holistic care. They assist individuals with mainly with
insurance, however, does have a small number of funds for uninsured individuals.
It is a local community health Center that addresses individuals’ mental health conditions, and they include
rehab assistance for individuals who have substance use disorder. The agency accepts insurance; however,
they are meant to target individuals without insurance.
The agency is a campus where individuals can seek treatment and stay if they would like. However, individuals
can self check out when they are ready to return to their community.
Explain whether these resources are adequate to meet the needs of mental illness patients and caregivers.
Justify your response

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