Complete the following by writing a response to thin of the four following questions_ For each question. your response should be 2 or more paragraphs. Make it dear which question you are answering and use correct grammar throughout If you answer all four questions. orgy the first three provided will be graded. Your responses are to be based on your own experiences and insights. Do not use materials and examples from other sources. including the Internet. Students have used examples from outside sources in the past and have failed this final assessment and In some cases. tailed the course due to evidence of plagiarism 1 Describe how you could use hypothesis testing to help make a decision in your current job, a past job, or a life situation. Include a description of the decision, what would be the null and alternative hypotheses, and how data could ideally be collected to test the hypotheses 2 Describe how you could use confidence intervals to help make a decision in your current job. a past job, or life situa
tion Include a description of the decision, how the interval would impact the decision, and how data could ideally be colected to determine the interval 3. Describe how you could use regression analw:s to he make a decision in your current job, a past job or a Re situation. Include a description of the decision, what would be the independent and dependent variables. and how data could ideally be collected to calculate the regression equation 4. Describe a data set that you have encountered or could envision that would be applicable to your current job. a past job. or a life situation Identity two (2) options for graphically representing those data to present to decision-makers. such a pie charts. time series. Pareto charts. histograms. etc. Assess the pros and cons of each graphical option.