How the salinity of the world’s oceans remain somewhat constant

Answer the following questions: 1. How can the salinity of the world’s oceans remain somewhat constant over the last million years?

  1. Why does the concentration of oxygen tend to decrease as you descend through the water column but has a slight increase when you near the bottom of the deep ocean?
  2. How is the physio-chemical structure of the Atlantic Ocean similar and different with that of the Pacific Ocean?
  3. How does the depth of the thermocline change seasonally everywhere? Does the halocline also change seasonally? Why?
  4. How can clouds be responsible for cooling the earth in one instance and warming the earth in another?
  5. How does climate affect the oceans? How does the ocean affect the climate? Give at least three examples of each 7. Would the currents of the North Atlantic be different if the basin was narrower? like it was 100 million years ago? How would it be different and why?
  6. What importance do currents play in biological oceanography? How are currents important in chemical oceanoOgraphy?
  7. In terms of currents, how is the North Pacific different from the North Atlantic?

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