How to create and maintain a high-performance organization.


Chapter 9 of your textbook discusses how to create and maintain a high-performance organization. As it has become clear that HRM can help create and maintain high-performance work systems, it appears that organizations will need two kinds of human resource professionals. One kind focuses on identifying how HRM can contribute to high performance, i.e. all of the factors discussed in Chapter 9. The other kind develops expertise in particular HRM functions, such as how to administer a benefits program that complies with legal requirements. These are the things that are identified as the required functions of HR in order to stay compliant. These are two very different approaches and thought processes, all related to HR. If you were a CEO seeking to hire someone to lead your HR department and your budget only allowed you to hire one person, which type of individual would you prefer to hire and why? Tie your reasoning to the needs of the organization as discussed in Chapter 9.

Write a 1,000 – 1,500-word paper to discuss your choice. Include at least two scholarly references from outside resources that support your choice.

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