How would you typically dispose of a broken smart phone?

Select two out of the three writing prompts listed below. Your responses to your two chosen prompts should be at least 500 words eachsponse. Each response needs its own reference page.  1. Using the life cycle concepts discussed in Chapter 3, select a product, and describe its life cycle. 2. Imagine that you broke a compact disk (CD) that had music on it. Please respond to the following questions in paragraph form:  How do you typically dispose of a broken CD?  Does your community have a means of recycling CDs? MEE 6201, Advanced Pollution Prevention 3  Considering Figure 4.2 in the textbook, what infrastructure would be needed in your community in order to have the best end of life option, which is reuse? If reuse is not possible, discuss re-engineering, recycling, or combustion as options instead of disposal in a landfill.  Research the materials that are in a CD. Considering Table 4.1, is recycling a possibility? 3. Imagine that you have a smart phone that has been crushed and is no longer usable.Respond to the following questions in paragraph form:  How would you typically dispose of a broken smart phone?  Does your community have a means of recycling smart phones?  Considering Figure 4.2 in the textbook, what infrastructure would be needed in your community in order to have the best end of life option, which is reuse? If reuse is not possible, discuss re-engineering, recycling, combustion as options instead of disposal in a landfill.  Research the materials that are in a smart phone. Considering Table 4.1, is recycling a possibility? You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for both of your responses. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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