HR Management

In today’s turbulent rapidly changing global environment it is no longer safe to assume that an organization that was highly successful yesterday will continue to be so tomorrow-or that it will even be in existence. Changing times heighten the need for strategic planning. You have looked at this from the broader scope in your Organizational Management class. Now look at it from the Human Resource lens. Remember as a future Human Resource Manager or Director, you must be aware of the health of the entire company, to be able to strategically plan your Human Resource Initiatives.
Think about the situations currently facing the following well-known organizations. Consider the futures of the organization and the HR strategies needed to ensure long term success.
Netflix Disney IBM Corporate Service Corp Shell
Amazon Delta Airlines General Dynamics Toyota
McDonalds AT&T The Hershey Company Starbucks

Choose one (1) organization from the list above. Create a Case Study by analyzing and creating a strategic Human Resources plan for this company. In the process, you will answer the questions outlined below and perform the necessary actions to complete the Case Study.

I. Introduction (10 Points)
A. Your introduction should serve as a roadmap for your readers to ascertain the scope and purpose of your study. In your introduction please provide a business description, background and current status of the company. Include the company’s mission, size, and # of employees etc.

II. Body (literature review & discussion) (20)
A. Analyze the organization and its environment using a SWOT Analysis from a Human Resource perspective of the Organization and Environments. The S.W.O.T. analysis should be more than simply listing items in each category. HR should consider the interaction of the S.W.O.T. analysis factors and establish strategies and tactics to maximize outcomes. The outcomes of a S.W.O.T. analysis should be used to establish HR strategy and to ensure that the strategy aligns with the organization’s mission (SHRM, 2017).

B. What in the future might seriously threaten the success, perhaps the very existence, of this organization from a Human Resource perspective? Develop at least 3 future scenarios.

C. Develop a strategy for each of the 3 future scenarios you created. Your strategies should enable the organization to deal with the scenario. Use these questions to help you develop your strategies
o What steps can be implemented to mitigate the effect that the department’s weaknesses may have on the threats the department faces?
o If the department pursues an identified opportunity, how will the department’s strengths and weaknesses affect the outcome?
o How can the department’s strengths be used to overcome the threats to lead the organization to achievement of its mission?

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