Human Resource Management Plan

create a Human Resource Management plan for a Community Health Center that you will be able to choose (Any Health Care Facility). The Human Resource Management Plan is designed to develop, and administer policies and programs designed to make expeditious use of an organization’s human resources. It is that part of management which is concerned with the people at work and with their relationship within an enterprise. You are encouraged to choose (Any Health Care Facility: Hospital, Doctor Office, Emergency Care Center, etc.). The paper will be 6-8 pages long. More information and due date will provide in the assignments link

Human resources management is an important part of the Software Upgrade Project. The human resources management plan is a tool which will aid in the management of this project’s human resource activities throughout the project until closure. The human resources management plan includes:

Roles and responsibilities of team members throughout the project
Project organization charts
Staffing management plan to include:
How resources will be acquired
Timeline for resources/skill sets
Training required to develop skills
How performance reviews will be conducted
Recognition and rewards system

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