Hume’s understanding of liberty seems to be different from Rousseau


For Humem liberty is opposed to "Authority" (legal constrains) .For Rousseau, liberty is obedience to law. Does Hume"s understanding of liberty act
Hume’s understanding of liberty seems to be different from Rousseau. For Hume"s liberty is opposed to Authority" (legal constraints). For Rousseau liberty is obedience to law. Does Humes understanding of liberty actually differ from Rousseau’s ? How? How much? should be 2500 words double spaced and cite and cite work. we use the text book Political Philosophy Steven M . Cahn

David Hume is a modern British philosopher (1771-1776). He was born in Edinburgh , Scotland , he was from a small landholding family . When he was two his father died by the age of 12 he was already on the university, Edinburgh Scotland. He wrote the a lot of essay, but over the years he revised these essays and added others. One of those is “of parties in general” and “of the original contract”, which we will talk about it . Between 1763- 1766 he lived in Paris, where he enjoy the company famous French figures. In 1766 he and Rousseau back to England and try to help him because he was unstable emotionally his last two years of life he was sick, in the essay “ of the original contract” he represents two kinds of power

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