Identifying Career Trends in Your Industry

Imagine you recently began working in IT, and the head of the department Mr. Clark has asked you to do research to inform future technology security products for the company. Your company recently faced a security breach, and it is looking for new security products to strengthen technology security.

He has asked you to write a detailed email that identifies the three top security trends in the IT security industry. If he likes your work on this initial research, he will ask you to write a position paper on the most important issue related to these trends. He is hoping to use your research to prepare your department to launch a new strategic plan.

This is your first real task for your new job. You think you have a sense of the industry but know you need to do more research to be accurate in your analysis. The ability to spot trends in your industry is an important skill, and your boss wants to spend energy and capital on new growth areas, products, and services.

To begin your research, access your CareerQuest account and review the available resources. Use Vault or any other online resource to conduct additional industry research.

Compose a professional email (about 300 words) providing a response to the prompt above.

Use the career planning resources in CareerQuest and additional industry websites to research information to include in your response.

Demonstrate communication skills by effectively presenting the information in your response.

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