Iliad, Achilles and Gilgamesh, San Junipero Episode from Black Mirror, Creation Stories


Instructions:Please structure your answers in essay format. These are short essay questions, your answer should have a brief and concise introduction where you state your claim/answer (1-3 sentences), body paragraphs which provide evidence from the texts read in class and explanation/discussion of why the reference supports your claim/answer (4-6 sentences), and a ve,y short conclusion to bring it all together (1-3 sentences). Do not let this guideline limit you: always always always write as much as you can and show me how much you know about the topic, never sell yourself short! The best answers will have clear, concise writing devoid of grammatical and style errors; make use of texts from around the globe for each answer (only exception is question 1); make good choice of· textual references to support their answer; discuss their references in the context of the question; etc. No outside aids or texts are allowed-simply use the texts and your class notes.

Question 1 :
Homer’s Iliad features characters who are forced to come to terms with a variety of situations, emotions, and ultimately fate itself. The Olympian gods play a large role throughout the epic and are often connected to key moments in some way. Discuss the role of fate in the Iliad. Focus your discussion on the gods who are most closely implicated in fate in the text and the characters who come to grips with their own and the fate of others. Link your discussion to a clear perspective on what the Iliad might be communicating to you.

Question 2:
We have encountered many heroes in our readings. Two of the most striking are Achilles and Gilgamesh.
Compare and contrast the two heroes. Be sure to include in your answer a discussion of the Homeric heroic code, their relationship to men and women (be they mortal or divine), and their motivations.

Question 3:
Nearly every established culture has their own “in the beginning” creation story. Discuss one theme that recurs in several creation stories we read for class. Be sure to incorporate in your answers a discussion of what the theme might tell us about creation stories in general and the cultures that have used them.

Question 4: San Junipero Episode
We have read (and watched) many different perspectives on death, dying and the afterlife. How does contemplating death help one derive meaning in How does contemplating death help us understand what living actually is? Can death teach us? What is death’s value?

Question 5:
What connects creation stories and stories about the afterlife? What connections can be made between stories of life and death and the hero? How does each thematic unit prepare us to be a better learner, a better citizen, and a better human being?

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