ILove’s Health and Wellness Clinic

Identify the name of your organization (ILove’s Health and Wellness Clinic) , and if part of a larger health care provider, list that name and relationship with your urgent care center.
Define and describe the health care industry in which your company operates using SIC and NAICS code descriptions.
Identify the zip code cluster from those listed as a site for your urgent care center service area. (Zipcode cluster is Chicago, Illinois: 60636, 60621, 60629, 60609)
Develop a Service Area Profile. This should be a brief description of the service area of your chosen zip code cluster. Provide three to four paragraphs on the age, gender, race, income levels, occupations, and other socio-demographic elements that may be used in developing services for your urgent care clinic.
Describe your idea for services your urgent care clinic might offer in two to three paragraphs.
Define and describe the unmet need or want your product or service meets.


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