
In 300 words, considering vocabulary and key concepts from class, please answer the following questions
without using any quotations:

  1. Consider the story Jesus tells of “The Widow’s Offering” in Mark 12:41-44 by reading it through all
    four sessions of Lectio Divina and taking notes.
  2. Considering Aquinas’ three Rules of Gratitude, assess your life considering the first rule. What is one
    example of something in your life that you hadn’t previously understood as a “gift?”
  3. After reflecting on rule 1, please complete rules 2 and 3. Explain how you completed them.
    By savoring the gifts in your life, like in the third session of Lectio Divina, how does this practice of
    rules 2 and 3 increase intimacy in your life?
  4. How, like the Widow, does cultivating this practice help us prepare for Heaven?

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