Implementation Plan

Overview: For the capstone assessment, you will create a business implementation plan and audiovisual
presentation for the product, service, or idea you have been developing throughout your MBA coursework.
In Milestone Two, you will submit an implementation plan, which is a clear and comprehensive plan for implementing and managing the concept from inception to completion. Although the details of your plan will
necessarily depend upon your concept, at a minimum, your plan should include the following critical
Critical Elements:
Physical and technological resources needed for the concept, including where these will come from and how they will be used to reduce cost or improve operations. Be sure to discuss why one resource option is better than another where appropriate.
• A detailed implementation schedule covering what needs to be done, by when, and, tentatively, by whom.
(Note that key personnel will be covered in more depth in Milestone Three.) The schedule should identify the critical path to success and outline the dependencies between tasks.
• Project review processes and indicators of success to ensure that the project stays on target.
• An explanation of how intrapreneurship or entrepreneurship factor in the implementation of your plan
and how you will protect intangible assets, such as intellectual property or bran

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