Improving a quality patient indicator within a healthcare organization.

Analyze the organization to determine the key characteristics (including organizational values, if applicable) important for consideration when developing plans for change and implementation of quality indicator proposals. 2. Improvement Opportunity: What is the issue(s) involving patient safety and financial considerations within the organization that needs to be addressed? Explain the connection between patient safety and financial state of the organization in terms of opportunity presented. 3. Purpose: Articulate the overall purpose of your proposal/proposed initiative for improving quality of care within your organization. In other words, what is your intended initiative for addressing the issue(s)/improvement opportunity identified? 4. Proposal Initiative: Detail the initiative you are proposing in terms of its application to your organization. In other words, what is it that you are proposing, and why is it relevant for your organization? 5. Leadership: Articulate the role leadership plays in the current situation/environment that needs to be addressed.

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