Improving cybersecurity efforts

Tutor, please take a look in this short article and answer 4 questions that professor is asking.
You must keep two sources from my reference list: Bullock and Marion, the rest you may change, add or deduct.
Verner, Duane, Frederic Petit, and Kibaek Kim. (October 2017). “ Incorporating Prioritization in Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Programs. Homeland Security Affairs 13, Article 7.
Next prepare a 5-7 page essay that analyzes the content using course material and at least three (3) additional outside sources. I am looking for a refined argument – not a summary of the article.
In your essay address the following:

  1. Give the full citation of the journal article and briefly summarize it.
  2. Discuss the relationship of the article to course material and to the homeland security enterprise in general.
  3. What strategies are presented for improved critical infrastructure and or cybersecurity efforts? Do you agree? What more needs to be done?
  4. What questions does the article raise that you would like to explore further?

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