Incentive Theory In Management


In the current times, electronics have become part of the world which has seen children being exposed to them at a very young age. The show that toddlers watch such as cartoons has both positive and negative on their psyche. According to Habib, & Soliman, (2015), toddlers’ psyche is shaped by whatever happens in their surroundings which includes watching cartoons. Generally, toddlers absorb the content their watch in the cartoons and try to copy the most appealing details such as the use of body language, speaking, and thinking. Therefore, watching cartoons influences a toddler’s way of thinking, speaking, or even use of body language such that they act in the same way as they watch. If the cartoon illustrates negative traits such as thinking, the children absorb the same negativity and it sticks to their young minds for a long time increasing their chances of developing questionable behaviors in the future.

In management, the incentive theory of motivation works towards increasing the employees’ motivation to yield high productivity. According to Cherry, (2017), incentives highly influence the performance of employees. Generally, employees put in extra efforts at work depending on the incentives they receive that motivate them to work towards better performances. Consequently, the incentive theory motivates employees in a high-stress work environment. The incentive theory in management believes that people always tend to be attracted to actions that lead to rewards and repel from the ones that are likely to lead to negativity. No matter the situation one finds themselves in, they will always be motivated to yield better performances when promised a reward for it.

While watching cartoons, toddlers tend to pick a favorite character with whom they relate and admire their skills such as supernatural power or physical appearances. Consequently, the message delivered by the favorite character and the cartoon, in general, might influence the toddler negatively or positively (Bose, & Philip). The child might learn how to control its temperament, heed to their parents, and associate well with others. They also develop positive skills such as risk management, the ability to analyze problems, or even leadership skills. On the contrary, the toddlers might also learn negative aspects from the cartoons they watch such as having views that oppose what they are told by parents and other grown-ups. Additionally, the toddlers’ understanding is mostly distorted by what they watch which might make them act aggressively and make poor decisions even in areas where they had been right in the past. Therefore, watching cartoons greatly influences toddlers’ psyche depending on the content they watch. It is therefore crucial for parents and grown-ups to monitor what the toddlers watch to avoid negative impacts. For history assignment help, one will be willing to undertake a marathon which is not always an easy task just to be recognized.

According to Locke & Schattke (2019), the incentive theory relies on an extrinsic form of incentives rather than the intrinsic one. This means that an individual will be motivated by external factors such as rewards in terms of recognition, money, and higher statuses rather than being demotivated by internal pressures such as stress. Therefore, an employee can work very well under pressure just to attain a promised reward. Cherry, (2017) gives an example in which two individuals can act in different ways under similar conditions depending on the incentives that they are promised. This means that stress is likely not to stop a motivated employee from performing better as expected. However, the value of some incentives is likely to change with time and the situations presented. For instance, an employee who is not so rich is likely to be highly motivated even under stress compared to a higher ranked employee who does not have many financial needs. Therefore, it is evident that the incentive theory manages to motivate employees to perform better even under stress.

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