Independently licensed substance abuse


Scenario Three: Stephanie is an independently licensed substance abuse counselor who has decided to start a private practice as she transitions from public to private practice. As she makes her plans, there are many ethical issues she must consider. While these issues are of concern to all counselors, she must consider how they specifically impact a counselor in private practice.

Question One: How can she ethically handle limited resources, deal with cost containment issues, respond to discrimination, and promote community change?

Question Two: As a service provider, with what ethical issues and practices related to state insurance laws and managed care must she be familiar?

Question Three: What are the ethical obligations and limitations faced by a counselor who serves clients who have been the victim of discrimination, injustice, poverty, or lack of access to behavioral health services? What best practice community-based interventions could she refer her clients to?

Question Four: Some states offer independent substance abuse counseling licensure. Discuss the licenses offered in your state and if independent licensure is an option. What is the difference between independent licensure and dependent licensure?

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