Individual differences

Edit a paper so it follows the following criteria and uses the article in news week and fit the criteria;
Summarizes the content of a popular media source, conveying the implications of the topic.
Identifies three peer-reviewed journal articles on the topic covered in a popular media source and describes relevancy of the articles. Provides the full references of the articles in APA format.
Compares and contrasts information provided in a popular media source with peer-reviewed journal articles, making a clear case for the validity or lack of validity of the media source.
Describes how the topic of a popular media source can be applied to the real world, providing examples.
Conducts a self-evaluation using established scoring criteria and identifying the proficiency level for each criterion, including comments for each criterion.
Presents a focused purpose through strong organizational skills. Presents evidence through strong paraphrasing or summarizing and appropriate tone and sentence structure.
Applies current APA style, including in-text citations and full references for sources with few errors.


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