Induced Current Lab
You’ll notice that there is a little tractor that pushes a conducting rod along two metal rails, which are connected
through a resistance/light bulb and an ammeter. Notice that there is a magnetic (B) field that is perpendicular to
the plane of the rails. Set the magnitude and direction for the B field (you can also reverse its direction by
clicking on the x in the Magnetic Field box. Set the rail separation, the velocity level and the resistance. Note
that the velocity level does not give you the numerical value, you’ll have to calculate that later from the distance
the rod moves and the elapsed time.
Your data table should have the following column headings: B (magnetic field strength), l (the rail separation),
R (the resistance), iexp (the current that you will read from the Circuit Info box while the tractor is moving), x for
(the distance traveled. You will measure this on the ruler.) and t for (the elapsed time).
When you are ready, click in the box titled “Click Here to Start Moving Tractor Timer Will Start Immediately”.
Record the current (it is only visible while the tractor is moving). Stop the tractor by clicking on the box titled,
“Elapsed Time … Click to Pause”. You have to do this before the rail hits the black circles (the stops) or before
the rail leaves the screen. If the tractor is not stopped in time, you won’t have trustworthy information for
calculating the speed of the tractor and rod. Once the tractor is stopped, record the distance it has traveled and
record the elapsed time.
You will repeat the above procedure 4 more times, or until you have a total of 5 data runs. Make sure that you
change every variable (that can be changed) at least once.
Your lab report should contain the following information:
Something like Induced Current Lab or Motional emf lab is fine.
Just one or two sentences like: Moving a rod along conducting rails in a magnetic field to test the induced
current formula for motional emf.
This, as always, is a labeled screen shot. Label everything that you will discuss in the procedure section.
Now that you have introduced the Apparatus, tell the reader what to do with it. This should be set up as a
series of numbered steps. Do not discuss any calculations in this section.
Raw Data:
Show your data table. You must state what each column heading means, either in the column heading, or in
separate sentences. Make sure to indicate the units of your measurements.
Show the formulas you will use in symbols, and then demonstrate the calculations for one data run only. These
formulas are:
The induced current formula: Ith=B⋅l⋅vR the speed formula, v=xt and the percent error in current:
%error=|Ith−Iexp|Ith×100% .
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After that, you need to show a table with three columns: ith, iexp and percent error. Show the results of your
calculations for all 5 data runs in this table.
Run Number Ith Iexp % error
As always, you are looking to see how well the experimental value agrees with the predicted (theoretical)
value. Hopefully, the percent error is small (anything above 10% is too large). If you have small errors, then you
can state that the theoretical and experimental values agreed within the (largest) percent error.

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