Information Report – freedom in the networked world

We live in a world where more and more of our lives — our working lives and our individual and social lives — are mediated with technology.
At work we work with information and we work in ways determined by information processes that dictate how and what we work on, measure our productivity, monitor our activities. And these information processes can be used to reward our work or to discipline us.
In our networked / individual social and personal lives, we connect with others using technology or are connected to them through social networks. We use tools like texting or social media messages to remain in touch with friends and relatives. We navigate the world using digital maps or apps. We monitor our fitness using apps and wearable devices. We organize our homes using digital assistants.

What is the best way to live and to approach our working lives in this informational, networked world?
• Should we accept and use the technologies that surround us — and their continuing advances — because they are tools which we can use to live a better life? They can make us more productive and efficient at work. They can allow us to be more easily connected with our chosen friends and more efficient at managing our lives — our relationships, our fitness, our daily personal tasks.
• Should we try to find a way to resist technology and the ways it is controlling our work and personal lives? Do we need to find ways to protect our privacy and our life separate from technology — both at work and in our personal lives? Will working to keep our personal privacy make us more productive at work and happier in our private life?
• Should we try to find a balance in our use of technology at work and in our private lives? Is it best to accept and embrace certain aspects of technology because of the advantages they offer? If so, what are they? And — at the same time — should we work in other areas to control and limit our use of technology or the way in which technology is used to control and monitor our lives at work and in our personal lives? And if so, what do we need to resist?

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