Information Systems, Security, Ethical, and Social Impacts

Information Systems, Security, Ethical, and Social Impacts

The post is a combination of two asighnments

1 Information Systems, Security, Ethical, and Social Impacts

2  Sustainable supply and procurement

3  Foucault, Borges, Lazarillo de Tormes and Nine Queens.

Asighnment 1

Information Systems, Security, Ethical, and Social Impacts

Regarding the discussion of growing information systems security impacts, our guest speaker, Dr. Rajin Koonjbearry, states, “I anticipate it’s going to get worse
before it gets better” (INF220 Week Five Information Systems – Security, Ethical, and Social Impacts Part Two
(Links to an external site.),+Ethical,+and+Social+Impacts+Part+Two/0_w4tpdnky

). What supporting content does Dr. Koonjbearry provide to justify his position? Our Instructor Guidance highlights security breach predictions provided by the
Experian data breach. Are these predictions in agreement with Dr. Koonjbearry’s position? After reading and watching our required course material, do you agree with
Dr. Koonjbearry’s position? Why or why not? Give examples to illustrate your answer. Provide justification and citations for your points.

Asighnment 2

Sustainable supply and procurement

Order Description

The coursework (CW) provides with an opportunity to critically examine and evaluate the role of sustainability in procurement and supply in an organisation . The
final report should demonstrate your ability to document, analyse and communicate findings to a professional standard, and relate these to the issues, concepts, theory
and trends that emerge in green logistics.
The chosen company is L’Oréal beauty cosmetics
prepare a report to analyse its corporate social responsibility policies, focusing on sustainability policies affecting procurement and supply chain management in

A recommended approach to this is the analysis of corporate website content (e.g. company annual reports, research publications, etc), industry journals and academic
literature. Essays need to apply existing theories and frameworks to critically analyse and appraise a given company’s commitment and progress towards green issues.
please see the one of the files attached gives more instructions.
papers should only be a RESEARCH PAPERS, for the literature review papers only to have an idea about the topic. also papers should not be old for more than 2013,
minimum five years form 2017.

Asighnment 3

“Foucault, Borges, Lazarillo de Tormes and Nine Queens.”

Order Description

Content for the MidTerm includes all the materials since the beginning of this session Foucault, Borges, Lazarillo de Tormes and Nine Queens.


1) Support your answers or observations with evidence from the text/film/series.
2) Elaborate an argument rather than just summarize the readings. Make an original
argument that is analytical rather than descriptive. Demonstrate your own
perspective on the materials.
3) How well do you organize all these elements.
4) Your arguments and your individual sentences are clear and understandable.

Essays will be graded in the following criteria:

Support your answers or observations with evidence from the text/film/series.
Elaborate an argument rather than just summarize the readings. Make an original argument that is analytical rather than descriptive. Demonstrate your own perspective
on the materials.
How well do you organize all these elements.
arguments and your individual sentences are clear and understandable.
content for the MidTerm includes all the following Foucault, Borges, Lazarillo de Tormes and Nine Queens (Film)

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