Informative Speech- Puerto Rico

The origin of Puerto Rico and the puertorican people, the native people once called Tainos and their

This informative individual speech requires use of visual aids that support the main ideas of your speech.
Choose support such as objects, charts, short video clips, graphs, drawings, maps, etc. This can be

presented through Powerpoint plus other visual means (think “Gumballs” presentation).
Components of your speech:
Brief but effective attention getter
Fully developed introduction and conclusion
Clearly stated main points (max 2-3 for a short presentation)
Support for each main point (quantitative/statistical, anecdotal, testimony)
Use of signposts (to signal where you are in your speech) and transitions (when you’re moving on to

another thought or point)
Use of at least two (2) academic research sources, identified in speech and orally
cited (as well as in outline) — please use GGU databases whenever possible
Good selection and use of visual aids

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