Infrastructure as defined in The National Infrastructure Protection Plan

Topic For Research Sources Is As Followed:
Choose a critical infrastructure as defined in The National Infrastructure Protection Plan and propose how to make it more secure
The Critical Infrastructure Chosen Is As Followed:
The “Financial Services Sector’ is the Critical Infrastructure that is defined in “The National Infrastructure Protection Plan”.
The scholarly sources discovered will identify how to make the Financial Services Sector more secure from cyber attacks.
The assignment is as followed: Please research and find at least 10 scholarly/academic sources pertaining to the topic of the Financial Services Sector for the research paper. Please do not worry about the outline, title page, or introduction. Please focus on the body of the paper and the reference page. Once again, the research assignment pertains to the topic of the Financial Services Sector of the Critical Infrastructure. The body of the paper should identify an in depth proposal on how to make it more secure from cyber attacks.

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