The innovative performance of Glaxo SmithKline

In 2017, Glaxosmithkline Pharmaceuticals on Forbes Lists is 16th ranking in the most innovative growth companies. Moreover, the Innovation Premium of company is 73%. The Innovation Premium is a measure of how much investors have bid up the stock price of a company above the value of its existing business based on expectations of future innovative results new products, services and markets. (
2. The analysis of the eight core areas of the innovation audit– there is however opportunity here to relate concepts and theory from the module to your analysis in GlaxoSmithKline including
2.1 Explain whether existing capabilities of GlaxoSmithKline can deliver appropriate types of innovation 225 words
2.2 Explain how the organisation is structured of GlaxoSmithKline and how it has supported or inhibited innovation 225 words
2.3 Explain how people are recruited and rewarded of GlaxoSmithKline and how this supports or constrains innovation 225 words
2.4 Explain what organisational processes GlaxoSmithKline has used to scan for ideas, select the most appropriate ones and provide resources to implement them 225 words
2.5 Explain how innovation challenges of GlaxoSmithKline are identified 225 words
2.6 Explain how innovation is practised with external stakeholders in GlaxoSmithKline 225 words
2.7 Explain how the organisation manages uncertainty and failure in GlaxoSmithKline 225 words
2.8 Explain how the organisation reconciles exploratory and exploitative learning related to innovation performance in GlaxoSmithKline 225 words

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