Instances of contract fraud

                Location,   WA

• Identify instances of contract fraud, bank fraud, SBA program fraud
• Review complaints related to/allegations of bribery, false statements, conspiracy,
embezzlement, and related forms of fraud
• Conduct in-depth financial analyses via Financial Crimes Enforcement Network process
• Compile summaries of analyses; Create spreadsheets, charts, and graphs of investigative data
• Assist with criminal and civil interviews
• Organize annual training event for the Western Region SBA-OIG Special Agents
• Organize and coordinate multi-agency ‘Procurement Fraud Training’ events throughout PNW
Security Sergeant 2013 – 2016
AlliedBarton Security Location, US
• Conducted armed and unarmed security patrols inside and around company buildings and
property perimeter; Monitored to prevent and address entry of unauthorized personnel
• Prepared security, criminal, and safety reports
• Lead investigations of safety and security violations
Counterintelligence Specialist 2011– 2013
Centurum Inc. Location
• Provided safety and security for the US Embassy and Consulates in Iraq
• Identified security gaps in U.S. State Department facilities
• Conducted extensive interviews of relevant figures to obtain pertinent reportable intelligence
related securing US embassies, consulates, and personnel
• Provided security guidance, recommendations to State Department Regional Security Officers
• Created new template for vetting and hiring local employees. Adopted by U.S. State Department,
template is now in use in Iraq and being implemented in hazardous countries across the globe
Counterintelligence Specialist 2010 – 2011
Centurum Inc. Location
• Team Leader: Counterintelligence team responsible for military base
• Conducted ‘Subversion’ and ‘Espionage Directed Against the Army’ briefs for units on base to
ensure force protection and security awareness
• Handled initial walk-in sources, conducted interviews and liaison meetings with security
entities and produced written assessments of/reports on meetings and interviews to inform
security and force protection:
• Provided direct support to military counterintelligence teams and special forces units
• Identified and recommended necessary security changes on base – changes subsequently
implemented by base commander essential to securing and protecting facilities and personnel
Counterintelligence Special Agent 2004 – 2007
U.S. Army Location
• Engaged in all aspects of U.S. Army human intelligence operations, including conducting
interviews and interrogations and managing source operations
• Used classified intelligence databases and biometric recording programs to produce and
present intelligence products used to inform security and special operations
• Provided actionable counterintelligence analysis reports
• Provided advanced leadership skills and mentorship to ROTC Cadets in ‘Leaders Reaction
• Trained in Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Process
• Discovery training by Department of Justice’s National Discovery Coordinator
• John E. Reid & Associates Techniques of Interviewing and Interrogation, Advanced Techniques
of Interviewing and Interrogation Certifications
• Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System (PCASS) Supervisor Certification
• Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations Certification
• Combat Life Saver Certification
Army Service Ribbon
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Army Achievement Medal
References available upon request

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