Instructional Interventions

Targeted teaching or instructional interventions are activities teachers use to help a classroom, a small group, or individual student become successful in their classwork. They are based on students’ needs and support students in meeting educational objectives. A big part of the targeted teaching process involves closely monitoring student progress through ongoing data collection. As a classroom teacher, you will be expected to provide targeted teaching interventions for all students. Over the next few topics, your assignments will include using your field experience hours to work with your mentor teacher to create a pre-assessment, develop support activities, and report learning outcomes for a targeted literacy or mathematics teaching intervention for one pre-selected student.
For this assignment, create a handout of resources that, as a mentor teacher, you could provide to a new teacher or peers to help them understand where or how to acquire data to inform their instructional interventions. Some examples would be achievement test records, professional learning community (PLC) data, parent input, etc.
Identify and describe five sources of data that a teacher could use to inform their practice for instructional purposes.
When describing each source be sure to include the following:
• Where teachers would find or access the assessment data.
• How that data source could help inform classroom instruction.
• Ideas for organizing (including use of technology), analyzing, or interpreting information from the data source.

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