Instructional theory

A. Discuss potential challenges you may face in your instructional setting that relate to the following:

• student learning styles and/or learning preferences

• student motivation

B. Create a lesson plan lesson plan/instructional plan that addresses the challenges discussed in part A, including the following components:

• identification of general information (e.g., lesson title and subject, topic, grade level, instructional setting)

• identification of state core curriculum/student achievement standards, or organizational goals/standards

• identification of lesson/training objectives (should be measurable: condition, behavior, and criterion)

• identification of materials/resources for students and instructor

• description of prerequisite skills or connections to previous learning/training (i.e., What previously learned skills are necessary for students to be able to participate in and benefit from the planned lesson/training?)

• explanation of presentation procedures for new information, guided practice, independent practice, and culmination

• explanation of instructional strategy (or strategies)

• description of differentiated instruction accommodations

• description of how technology will be used

• explanation of assessment

C. Describe how each challenge you identified in part A is addressed in the lesson plan/instructional plan.

1. Justify your description from part C based on applicable instructional design principles and data (e.g., instructor observation, standardized data, assessment data).


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