Intelligence and Counter Intelligence

Question: Consider the following statement: “The greatest intelligence threat to Australia is of an external or foreign nature, outside its borders, not an internal domestic threat – the priority the Australian Intelligence Community places on combating terrorism is not justified.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not? Response: Reference List:  Question: Consider the following statement: “The Intelligence Cycle and concepts such as Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment have outlived their usefulness and are impediments to ‘out of the box’, ‘big thinking’ intelligence approaches required in our new cyber age.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not? *** Question: Consider the following statement: “Understanding intelligence analytical processes and approaches will make little difference in the future, as manufactured intelligence tools and artificial intelligence will make the informed analyst largely irrelevant.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not? Response: Reference List: Question: Consider the following statement: “By far, the most important thing to happen to intelligence since the beginning of the Cold War is technological advancement.” Is this claim accurate? Why or why not? Response: Reference List: *** Question: Consider the following statement: “Members of the intelligence profession and community, holding high-level security clearances and entrusted with safeguarding and securing classified information, should never skip existing and approved intelligence oversight and safety valve processes, such as: using the chain-of-authority or chain-of-command to report impropriety or wrongdoing; reporting through the Inspector-General process; or reporting to Parliamentary oversight and elected officials. Going directly to the press or other news media to ‘whistle-blow’ is never an acceptable alternative to skipping these processes.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not? Response: Reference List:  Question: Consider the following statement: “As technology developments continue to allow criminals to operate with a high degree of secrecy, the public must be willing to remove the pretence of privacy in favour of effective law enforcement and security.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not? Response: Reference List: Question: Consider the following statement: “The Boston Marathon Bombing was more a policy failure more than an Intelligence failure.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not? Response: Reference List Question: Consider the following statement: “Intelligence-led Policing is common sense and is not a revolutionary concept. It’s value to policing is largely overestimated.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not?  Question: Consider the following statement: “Most spies cannot be identified or stopped before they do harm by employing intensified security clearance screening, tightened physical and information security procedures, or enhanced counterintelligence efforts – all that is accomplished is to punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not? Response: Reference List: Question: Consider the following intelligence-related factors/issues and their impact on intelligence success or intelligence failure. Select one and use historical examples to make a case that it is the most important factor in determining success or failure: • Communication issues (stove-piping, need-to-know vs. need-to-share, agencies not sharing information with other agencies) • Deception actions by enemy (radio silence, encrypted communications, use of codes) • ‘Receptiveness’ of policy makers and decision makers to delivered intelligence • Resources and funding as well as priorities • Lack of imagination on the part of Intelligence analysts • Mirror imaging – assuming your adversary thinks and will act the same way you do Response: Reference List: *** Question: Consider the following statement: “The 5-Eyes Intelligence sharing and cooperation agreement has outlived its usefulness and Australia should strike out on its own so as not to be too tightly tied to the US or any of the other three countries.” Do you agree with this statement? Why/Why not?

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