Intelligence Field

Intelligence is a complex part of our identity that stems from many factors, both biological and environmental.
The standard measurement of intelligence for an adult is an IQ test, which can vary in the way that it is
administered, scored, and applied.
For this assignment, please take this online IQ test (Links to an external site.), published by Mensa of
Luxembourg. You do not have to give any personal information and you will not have to click on any additional
pages or websites to view your results. It will not provide you with an actual IQ score or range. It will not send
any information to me about your test or score.
In your paper, please answer the following questions:

  • Describe your experience taking the test and any feelings you had about it’s level of difficulty.
  • How does this test experience match up with any past tests of intelligence to which you have been exposed?
  • How was your view of intelligence shaped as a child and young adult by adults around you? Did anyone
    shape your views of your own level of intelligence?
  • What factors do you think bear the most influence on how our intelligence is fostered or stunted as child?

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