Interactive desktop prototype based on the audience and stakeholder needs

A. Create an interactive desktop prototype based on the audience and stakeholder needs using the attached “Paradigm Pet Professional UI Design Specifications” by doing the following:

1. Include each of the redeveloped “Home,” “Dog Owners,” and “Cat Owners” design prototypes, using content for each corresponding persona from the attached “Paradigm Pet Professionals UI Design Specifications.”

2. Include one new design prototype based on one of the new user personas, including the content provided and the format specified in the attached “Paradigm Pet Professionals UI Design Specifications.”

3. Include a contact form that users can complete to request a virtual consultation with a pet professional that includes all the required fields specified in the attached “Paradigm Pet Professionals UI Design Specifications.”

4. Include primary and secondary navigation elements as well as positional awareness techniques that provide the ability to clearly identify where each page is located within the overall information architecture and that allow users to navigate and interact between all sections of the website.


B. Provide a .pptx file or compressed .html file of your interactive desktop prototype, including the following:

• the updated “Home,” “Dog Owners,” and “Cat Owners” design prototypes

• the new design prototype

• the virtual consultation form


Note: You can use any tool to create the design prototypes, such as a graphic creation/manipulation software, webpage creation software, presentation software or another tool of your choice.


C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


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