International ‘Best Practice’ models of migrant integration and their possible application in Australia

  1. Why we investigated (Introduction and Summary) – Briefly explain the purpose of the Grand Challenge capstone project, Navigating Diversity, and what the overall question is.
    Part One: Chinese Integration
  2. What are the problems with Chinese integration? – Briefly outline general issues with Chinese migrants integrating into Australian society, past and recent present examples. Cite numbers of Chinese that have immigrated to Australia over the years.
  3. Australian Integration Programs – Identify two current Australian programs for migrants, positive and negative, and why they do/don’t work.
  4. (Create appropriate heading) – Identify how the current selection of integration programs in Australia are confusing, difficult to determine effectiveness, costs, and where to get information (no centralised clearinghouse of information on programs).
    Part Two: Best Practice
  5. International Integration Programs – Identify two international programs that are highly effective.
  6. European Web Site on Integration – Identify the purpose of the EU Web Site on Integration, what information it discloses, and how it is a useful portal.
  7. Will these programs work in Australia? – Identify how the two programs and a web portal can improve (Chinese) integration in Australia. With the portal, explain how a centralised (government run) portal can provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ of all immigration and migrant programs in use, costs, relevant contact details, documentation, etc.
  8. Conclusions Overview of the investigative report

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