Interpersonal communication.


Theory • (5) In your own words (not the texts) provide your own definition interpersonal communication.
• (5) From this definition, develop your own “theory” or “rule of thumb” for practical and competent communication. This theory should clearly identify what you believe makes for effective interpersonal communication. Support your ideas using the terms and concepts covered in the text and class.
Application • (10) Apply your theory to your own interpersonal relations. How well do you follow your theory? Describe both your present strengths and weaknesses as an interpersonal communicator.
Effectiveness • (5) Using a real life example identify and explain one situation in which you followed your theory. Clearly identify your principles in practice.
• (5) Then provide another situation in which you did not follow your theory.
• (10) According to your theory what could you have done that would have helped to improve your effectiveness in that situation?



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