Interrogation tactic of sleep deprivation

Your essay will include the following elements

  1. A brief description of how your group answered the guiding questions presented in the survey. How did you feel about these questions and why? What issues were talked about in your group and why?
  2. An analysis of human rights framing that draws on our course readings, including the McEntire et al. reading upon which this experiment is based. The analysis should think about the consequences of framing in two ways.
    a)Framing the issue of the interrogation tactic of sleep deprivation as a matter of law or a matter of right
    b)Framing the issue according to the three frames considered in McEntire et al. (i.e. Informational, Personal, and Motivational)
    3.A reflection of how the experimental conditions and group discussion may (or may not) have influenced your thinking and your willingness to act on the issue

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