Intervention with Students Placed at Risk in an Elementary, Middle or High School

1) State the problem for which you require a solution. This problem could be one that a single student experiences, or a group of students, or teachers or the administration. For example the problem could be one of students not coming on time to school, or parents being uninvolved in school activities or community members complaining about the school and its students or students falling asleep in literature class or low self-esteem in students or violence among teen groups. It could also be one of how to integrate extracurricular activities with academic achievement.
2) Describe the population concerned, the setting, and the roles of the people involved.
Literature Review – 10 pts
1) How has this problem been tackled either in the literature or, if it is a genuine issue at your school, how is this problem being currently tackled and what does the literature say about your present methods?
2). What does the literature have to say about the problem for which you require a solution? Use 5-6 peer-reviewed, research-based articles that are closely-related to your problem. You should summarize those articles by stating the article topic, research methods (i.e., data source, analytical tools), research findings, author conclusion, and your impression of the article as it relates to your topic. There is a library guide under “Content” on Desire to Learn if you need help navigating the UWM library system to find relevant articles. You cannot use the articles that we are reading for class discussions in your final paper. YOU MUST PROVIDE A REFERENCE LIST AT THE END OF YOUR PAPER.

The Significance
1) Restate the problem for which you require a solution
2) What will your intervention be? Why is your intervention so significant to your school and/or other scholars?
2). After reading the literature, what are the different ways to solve the problem? What will you do similarly or much different than the literature and why?

Program Implementation
1) How would you go about implementing the intervention?
2) Describe the different roles you envision for adults, students, family members, and the community.

Challenges and Conclusion
1) What obstacles can you foresee in the implementation and what steps would you take to overcome those obstacles?
2) How will you assess whether or not the intervention is successful?
3) What is your timeline for implementing the program?

1) State the problem for which you require a solution. This problem could be one that a single student experiences, or a group of students, or teachers or the administration. For example the problem could be one of students not coming on time to school, or parents being uninvolved in school activities or community members complaining about the school and its students or students falling asleep in literature class or low self-esteem in students or violence among teen groups. It could also be one of how to integrate extracurricular activities with academic achievement.
2) Describe the population concerned, the setting, and the roles of the people involved.
Literature Review – 10 pts
1) How has this problem been tackled either in the literature or, if it is a genuine issue at your school, how is this problem being currently tackled and what does the literature say about your present methods?
2). What does the literature have to say about the problem for which you require a solution? Use 5-6 peer-reviewed, research-based articles that are closely-related to your problem. You should summarize those articles by stating the article topic, research methods (i.e., data source, analytical tools), research findings, author conclusion, and your impression of the article as it relates to your topic. There is a library guide under “Content” on Desire to Learn if you need help navigating the UWM library system to find relevant articles. You cannot use the articles that we are reading for class discussions in your final paper. YOU MUST PROVIDE A REFERENCE LIST AT THE END OF YOUR PAPER.

The Significance
1) Restate the problem for which you require a solution
2) What will your intervention be? Why is your intervention so significant to your school and/or other scholars?
2). After reading the literature, what are the different ways to solve the problem? What will you do similarly or much different than the literature and why?

Program Implementation
1) How would you go about implementing the intervention?
2) Describe the different roles you envision for adults, students, family members, and the community.

Challenges and Conclusion
1) What obstacles can you foresee in the implementation and what steps would you take to overcome those obstacles?
2) How will you assess whether or not the intervention is successful?
3) What is your timeline for implementing the program?

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