Interview Committee wants me to respond to these questions in writing


Respond to these three questions. I have interviewed for an academic job and they have narrowed it down to two people, me and someone else. They can’t decide, so they sent us these questions to answer to aid in their decision. This if for a big job!! I teach math and statistics online. The job if for an online professor of math and stat. The first question should geared for an activity that would be conducted as an online teacher. It’s your choice, just make it a good one. The second one be creative, but this is still in the context of online teaching. The third one, be creative, does not necessarily have to be regarding online teaching, but should be an education setting.

Well, we have a really good problem. We have 2 exceptional candidates for our position, and we are struggling to make our selection. As such, we are inviting you to reflect on 3 final questions/prompts.

You can frame your response in whatever format you feel is best, but we do ask that you be clear and concise.

Questions they want answered:

What job activities have you found require the most energy? What did you do to maintain your effectiveness?

Tell me about a time when you were the focus of a student’s displeasure. What did you do?

Tell me about a time when you had the opportunity to inspire or motivate others to take action and achieve goals. How satisfied/dissatisfied were you with that, and why?

My notes about this:

Respond to these three questions. I have interviewed for an academic job and they have narrowed it down to two people, me and someone else. They can’t decide, so they sent us these questions to answer to aid in their decision. This if for a big job!! I teach math and statistics online. The job is for an online professor of math and stat.

The first question should geared for an activity that would be conducted by an online teacher. It’s your choice, just make it a good one.

The second one be creative, but make it in the context of online teaching.

The third one, be creative, does not necessarily have to be regarding online teaching, but should be from an education setting.

Note the instructions say clear and concise.

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