Interview Preparations


Begin this assignment by creating 5-10 open-ended questions for the person you wish to interview. Remember to also avoid asking “why” questions.

In a face-to-face interview with the person of your choice, ask the questions and allow the person you are interviewing sufficient time to answer.

When creating your questions, arrange them in a logical order to help the interview flow.

Refer back to the course content regarding interviewing.

Conduct this interview in person. If you absolutely cannot find a person to interview in person, at a minimum, the interview should be conducted via video chat. Do not email the person the questions to answer.

Audio or video tape your interview in order to type out the transcript for this interview; however, you will not turn in the recording.

It is highly advisable to:

Conduct your interview well-before the assignment is due;
Set up a backup person to interview in case your interview falls through;
Use the Interview Transcript Template to document your assignment.
To prepare your assignment:

In BLACK font, transcribe your interview;

In RED font, following each question you asked, label the communication skills (found in Section 2 of the Living in Consciousness workbook and on content documents provided throughout the course);

In BLUE, following each question/answer, provide a self-critique by noting things you believe you did well and you could improve – include both verbal and non-verbal communication).

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