Interview & Technical Brief

Interview a professional who produces technical writing/technical communications in the workplace. Your interviewee can be somebody in your field, a friend, or a relative. Then, produce a 2-3-page technical brief (single spacing) summarizing your findings. For formatting/design, please use one of the templates provided in this module (or create and use your own template).

For this brief, compose questions to your interviewee with a goal to discover the following:

• The types of technical communications/documents that the person produces.
• The person’s view on the significance of effective technical communications in the workplace.
• When writing technical communications/documents, how the message or the style of the writing will vary depending on the intended audience.
• How the awareness or knowledge-level of the audience on a particular topic will affect the way the person constructs a document.
• Any other information that is relevant to technical communications.

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