Introduction to Labanotation




Laban developed a dance notation of symbols called Labanotation and a form of communicating effort called Laban Movement Analysis. He also choreographed the opening ceremonies of the 1936 Berlin Olympics. Laban was known more as a teacher/educator verses a performer/choreographer. Both Mary Wigman and Kurt Jooss studied with Laban. He used improvisational exercises and kind of known as nudist as well. Below is an explanation and website in Labanotation.

Introduction to Labanotation

Abstract: This text is a short introduction to Labanotation. Labanotation is a standardized system for analyzing and recording any human motion. Mainly it is used at theatres to archive ballets. This text aims to give the reader an impression how the notation looks like and how the notation analyses movement. (Links to an external site.)


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