Investigation of the Stability of Aspirin

The introduction should include the following:
Begin with: PART ONE
• What is aspirin (a general view)
• What is aspirin used for
• Everything on Aspirin
Middle Part: PART TWO
• What kind of structure aspirin is (General) the groups that are attached to it,
how it is most likely to degrade
• The structure of it and the stability of it
• Is it more than likely going to hydrolysis, oxidise or photo breakdown. (is it hydrolysis or oxidised)
• A little bit on the work that has been done on the breakdown of aspirin

End part: PART THREE
• Findings of previous stability studies that has been done.
• Findings of previous work and findings done on the stability (just a summary of what has already been done and found)
• A little bit of summary at the end on both the findings and previous work that has been done.
• A short summary on what has already been done and the findings.
• A paragraph on what I propose to do

Pictures should be included for the example the structure of aspirin etc..

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