IoT cyber security project

The overall cost for designing and developing the Institutional Support System including all overhead expenses is estimated to be approximately .

Do the cost benefit analysis for the system/software

Describing the features of the application


Step 1

Defining terms

Define the word stakeholder, external stakeholder, internal stakeholder

Step 2

Tabulating the list of stakeholders

Step 4

Mentioning the software used

ASP.Net will be used for designing the online interface (front end) of the Institutional Support System. In the back end, Microsoft SQL server will be used for storing the database containing all the data and information.

Aims and Objectives

Stating the aim

Stating the objective ( 8 smart obectives)

Feasibility Analysis

Step 1 Explaining feasibility analysis Explain the meaning and mention the types (technical, economic operational/functional, social etc.)

Step 2 Describing each type of feasibility analysis e.g., For hardware requirements of the project – Hardware Functionality and purpose For software requirements of the project – Software Functionality Actual feasibility study for the project Calculate hardware, software, manpower, additional overhead cost



SWOT Analysis for Methodology

Justifying methodoloy

Step 1

Comparing the methodologies using parameters in tabular form

Justifying selected methodology

Chapter 3

Introduction to the design ( IoT network with ASA).

Illustrating the design

Step 1:

Illustrating the whole/parts of the system

Step 2:Describing the metadata stored for each entity (Describe the impact of pre-processing technique for the whole system )

Step 3:Describing the purpose of each diagram

Step 4:Describing security measures (e.g. database auditing, access control, database backup and recovery etc. )

Chapter 5

Step 1:Introduction (Outline of the chapter )

Describing the system

Step 1:Providing a brief description about each stages of the project like pre-processing ( three sentences )

Step 2:Providing a brief description about each stages of the project like training & testing

Testing & Evaluation

Step 1:Explaining the importance of testing

Step 2:Introducing the test strategy (Explain what the test strategy includes (schedule, test strategy, test cases etc.)

Illustrating the test results in a table

Step 1:Status of each test case, time, person who conducted the test etc.

Critical evaluation

Step 1 Critically evaluating the system

Explain whether all objectives have been achieved or not if not state the limitation

Explain how the final design meets the specs. (in Introduction)

Step 2 Providing a checklist of requirements and showing status

Chapter 6


Step 1Restating aim (This research attempted to address) (The aim of this project was to

Tense: Past )

Step 2

Summarising the key results

State whether all the objectives has been achieved or not.

(Specify the how many images used, training accuracy, training time, testing accuracy, time, sensitivity, specificity)

Step 3

Evaluating the contribution of the project (practical applications)

The facial recognition system is a system which can be used for commercial implementation and it produces better accuracy with less time. Given any image the FRS correctly recognizes the face with % accuracy. The time taken to recognize the image is .

A comparative analysis with the literature review can be provided here

This project has addressed

A solution to the problem of

Tense: Present

Step 4

Discussing the applications of the system (This system could be implemented in any commercial environment)


Step 1

Recommending future projects in the same area

aa. In the future, this system could be implemented to recognize the different facial expressions.

You could refer to present and future needs


Step 1

Stating the limitations of the application

Specify any limitation of database size if any, if the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy is achieved or not. If not state why?

Tense: Present

Impact of the Project

Step 1

Describing the social impact

bb. The system will greatly help in any commercial purpose implementation.

Need to explain this depending upon the environment


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