2. Write three questions/statements you can make about this topic.
Three questions and statements that can be made on this topic are:
• Domestic violence on the Asian women living in America is very rampant
• Due to gaps in societal expectations and community cultures, these women often do not take recourse to law enforcement and the situation is rarely publicized
• What can be done to improve the situation?
3. Narrow down to your research question(s) and thesis statement using the information from #2.
What is the prevalence of domestic violence among Asian women living in America, and how can the situation be remedied? My thesis statement is: a significant portion of such women face domestic violence on
a regular manner, which often goes unreported. To improve this scenario, group and community support mechanisms should be formed by federal and state laws.
4. Write a basic outline for your paper:
a. This includes a section by section breakdown, not an annotated bibliography. The sections you will include are introduction, lit review, and methods. So what are you going to argue in the introduction,
lit review and what methods you think will answer your question.
b. For the lit review you will state the basic concepts you are going to use, not the specific articles you found.
describe the background of the problem and the historical prevalence. The literature review will be done on the concepts of domestic violence, Asian community values, and cultural barriers. The methodology
used for this research will be qualitative and doctrinal, and the primary sources used will be books, journal articles, and statistics.