Is it possible to slow down cell aging in mice cells?

A research proposal
The introduction should include the following elements:
Lead the reader into the topic and scope of your research. Why the research is worth doing. Emphasizing why
your proposed project is important and what it will contribute to practice or theory.
Summarizes, compares and critiques the most relevant scholarly sources on the topic. Basic concepts and
definitions in this topic. What is already known about the problem? Identify points of conflict and situate your
own position. What is missing from current knowledge? Show what is missing and how your project will fit in.
Problem statement
Describe the theoretical or practical research problem that you want to address. What is already known about
the problem? What is missing from current knowledge?
Research questions
State the specific question(s) that you aim to answer. What is the purpose of this project? What are the specific
questions this project will address? Do you develop any hypotheses for this topic?
Here you should explain your approach to the research and describe exactly what steps you will take to answer
your questions.
Research design
Explain how you will design the research.
Methods and Sources
Describe the tools, procedures, participants and sources of the research. When, where and how will you
collect, select and analyze data?
Expected results

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