Is Language a powerful tool?




Assignment Overview Language is a powerful tool. It can be used to inspire. communicate truth. encourage and strengthen. In the wrong hands, it can also be used to cur communicate lies, discourage and tear down.How we use language is based on a number of factors, including our linguistic foundations, speech communities, peers and education. The Language Awareness text shares a number of essays focusing on the power of language In regards to prejudice, including some seminal works.
Assignment Instructions 1. Read the following essays from the Language Awareness text o Airport – ‘The Language of Prejudice” o Wiesel- ‘The Perils of Indifference’ 2. In a one-page pre-writing form (outline, brainstorm. Venn diagram, mind map. notes. drawing. etc.). reflect on what points each essay is making about the power of language. 3. Then write an essay addressing the following topics: o What points about language and prejudice are being made in these readings? Be sure to include relevant support for the points you cite. o What is your personal response to the points being made in these readings? What experiences have you encountered in regards to this top Do these experiences color how you view this topic? Why/why nor o As Christians (or people of faith) and future teachers, what responsibilities do YOU have for teaching others about the power of language, a how to use language for positive purposes? How do you plan to communicatetteach this message?


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