Issued in California Education


Using APA format, including title page and reference page, use 12 point font, Times New Roman, a minimum of 8 pages double spaced , present of three pressing issues in California education ( i.e., technology and digital learning, assessment and accountability systems, life readiness.) You may NOT use poverty or Equity. Include a Christian perspective on at least two issues critical to the teaching profession and integrate your personal perspective on the issues you choose to discuss. Use a minimum of six outside sources, which are solid, and includes the text as references. You should have at least two sources for each issue. This essay should have a title page, reference page, and at least 2 pages per issue for a total of 8-10 pages. You should use headings for each issue, have a thesis paragraph and a concluding paragraph which could add 1page.

The paper will be graded on APA format, organization and mechanics, and content. Did you include a Christian perspective, did you research three issues and looked at the pros and cons? Did you connect with the text?

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