Issues of morality, cultural relativism, ethical egoism, and applied ethics

Choose one: issues of morality, cultural relativism, ethical egoism, and applied ethics

Answer only ONE
of the following questions:
Explain the case of Baby Theresa. Do you think her parents should have been allowed to donate her organs
sooner? Defend your view.

Explain the case of Tracy Latimer. Do you think Robert Latimer was justified in his actions

What are some of the inherent problems in using cultural relativism as a form of argument?

Why does Peter Singer think we are morally required to donate to charity, and to what degree does he think
we are required to donate? Do you think his argument is successful? Why or why not?

Author Ayn Rand argues that the “ethics of altruism” are a complete waste of time, and that individuals
should instead be selfish. Do you agree/disagree? Why?

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