Japan history

Select TWO of the following four terms/people and write an ID (for information on how to write an ID see the “Weekly Exam Guide and Rubric” in the Discussion Boards, Weekly Exams, and Research Papers Module). Your IDs should not exceed one page double-spaced.

1) 1964 Tokyo Olympics

2) Great Kanto Earthquake

3) Dōka/kyōka

4) Era of High-Speed Growth

Essay Question, word count at least 500

Please compose an essay answering the following questions. Be sure to utilize relevant assigned readings in your essays (for information on how to an essay see the “Weekly Exam Guide and Rubric” in the Discussion Boards, Weekly Exams, and Research Papers Module). Essays should not exceed three pages double-spaced.

How does Japan in the first half of the twentieth century compare with Japan in the second half of the twentieth century? What in your interpretation are the most prominent ideas and events that categorize Japan from 1900-1945? What in your interpretation are the most important ideas and events that characterize Japan from 1945 to present? Compare these two periods of time drawing on our Week 4 lectures and readings. Feel free to focus on major themes, but be sure to provide specific historical examples to support your analysis.

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