Jared Diamond

Write a 900 to 1000-word essay based on your reading and interpretation of the book by Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed. Summarize the events in one, or a series of chapters, that led to (or are currently leading to), the partial or complete collapse of a given society. Make certain to discuss Jared Diamond’s °Five Point Framework” that he uses to assess how societies find themselves on the pathway to collapse. Think of the “Caravan° currently headed towards the U.S. — Mexican border. What is happening to those people’s “home” government/society which forced them to flee north? Some points to discuss are: What could the people have done to prevent or reverse the course of the society’s collapse? What factors were within or outside of their control? Be sure to consider reasonable or feasible solutions — revolution and rebellion rarely come without consequence! Lastly, apply what you learned through your analysis of the book “Collapse” to your world. Jared Diamond gives us a snapshot of what is happening in Montana where he grew up, but what do you think about the United States as a whole? Where are we, as a society? Are we heading for inevitable collapse? Will this be an environmental, political, economic, or social collapse? Can we avoid this, and how? Think of the recent wildfires, the president’s rhetoric, and the way in which the world views the U.S. as world leaders (with Asia/China hot on our tail)!





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