Job Research and Job Description Form

Complete all sections of the Job Description Form attached to this assignment as if you were the Hiring Manager (this Job Description Form must be used; click in each field to begin typing). You may select any job
that you would to have in the future.,,,,, etc.
Please include a reference list at the end of your submission.
After completing the research and Job Description Form answer the following questions.
What similarities in the job description research (three sources) did you find for the job you selected?
What differences in the job description research (three sources) did you find for the job you selected?
Review your completed Job Description Form in light of your resume, work experiences, and job history. What
are your strengths compared to the criteria on your Job Description Form?
Review your completed Job Description Form in light of your resume, work experiences, and job history. What
are your weaknesses compared to the criteria on your Job Description Form?

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