John Demos Essay


The assignment was to read a book, “The Heathen School” by John Demos, and write a response paper on the following topic:
Examine the role that American racial attitudes in the early Republic played on education and religion.

Professor’s Requirements:
The only resource we can use is the book.
Your paper must have a main idea/thesis/argument. It cannot be a summary of the reading.
Your paper must be carefully edited. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling count. No paper will receive and A if it has more than 5 basic writing errors.
This is not a research paper; you do not need to consult anything in print or online except The Heathen School by John Demos. A paper that is a summary or patchwork of paraphrased secondary sources found online but that demonstrates no reading or thinking about The Heathen School will not receive a passing grade.
Cite with footnotes in Chicago style.
Meet the format requirements.
Have a strong main idea.
Write clearly and edit your work.

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