Jones Soda: Marketing & Consumer Behavior

Jones Soda Co is a Seattle, Washington, company known for its unique soda flavors and intimate relationship with its consumers. The case study reviews the company’s rapid rise to a place of prominence in its initial marketplace, and the challenges associated with expansion.

Explain what is meant by the Jones Soda “intimate relationship with its consumers”, and its relevance to the marketing concepts. Describe the target market for Jones Soda during the first few years of the company. Discuss the Jones Soda initial marketing approach, and the way in which Jones “connected” with its consumer base. Explain the conditions leading to the Jones Soda decision to expand and the options considered. Describe the decision made by Jones Soda, including any associated changes to the company’s early marketing approach. Explain the outcome of the decision, and the actions Jones Soda took to recover. Analyze the Jones Soda marketing strategy before and after the decision. Discuss the marketing mis-steps taken by Jones Soda, and the marketing guidance you would provide to Jones Soda company leaders to recover. Research Jones Soda on the Internet and briefly summarize the company’s current status.

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